NHS vs Private Physiotherapy – What are the differences?

The 5 Key Differences Between NHS and Private Physiotherapy

When it comes to physiotherapy, many individuals find themselves weighing the options between the National Health Service (NHS) and private practices. Both pathways offer valuable services, but they cater to different needs and preferences. Understanding the key differences can help you make an informed decision about your treatment. Here, we explore five crucial distinctions between NHS and private physiotherapy.

1. Personalised Care

One of the most significant advantages of private physiotherapy is the level of personalised care you receive. In a private setting, physiotherapists can often dedicate more time to each patient, allowing for a tailored approach that meets your unique needs. This means that treatment plans can be adapted based on your specific goals, lifestyle, and progress, leading to more effective outcomes. In contrast, NHS appointments may have a standardised approach due to time constraints, making it harder for physiotherapists to tailor care to each individual.

2. Faster Access to Care

If you’re seeking immediate treatment, private physiotherapy typically offers much faster access. With private clinics, you can often secure an appointment within days—or even the same day—of your initial inquiry. This is especially beneficial if you’re dealing with acute pain or injuries that require prompt attention. In contrast, NHS services usually involve longer waiting times, sometimes extending to several months, particularly for non-urgent conditions. For patients eager to return to their activities or alleviate discomfort quickly, private physiotherapy can be a game-changer.

3. Cost of Not Acting

Delaying treatment can lead to worsening conditions, increased pain, and prolonged recovery times. In the long run, this can translate into higher costs associated with more extensive treatments, rehabilitation, or even surgery. Private physiotherapy allows you to take action sooner, potentially avoiding these additional expenses. While private sessions do require upfront payment, the cost of not addressing an issue promptly can far exceed the expense of early intervention. On the other hand, while NHS services are free at the point of use, the wait times can exacerbate injuries, leading to further complications.

4. Cross Referrals and Waiting Times

In the NHS, physiotherapy often requires a referral from a general practitioner (GP). This can add an additional layer of waiting time, as you may first need to schedule a GP appointment before being referred to physiotherapy. Furthermore, the NHS operates within a structured system, meaning that cross-referrals to other specialists may take time. In contrast, private physiotherapy often allows for direct access. You can book an appointment without a referral, and if further treatment is required, physiotherapists can quickly refer you to other specialists or clinics, ensuring that you receive comprehensive care without unnecessary delays.

5. Convenience

Convenience is a significant factor for many when deciding between NHS and private physiotherapy. Private clinics often offer flexible appointment times, including evenings and weekends, making it easier to fit treatment into your busy schedule. Additionally, private practices might provide more locations or mobile services, allowing you to receive care closer to home or even in the comfort of your own space. In contrast, NHS clinics may have limited hours and locations, which can make it challenging to attend appointments, particularly for those with demanding jobs or family commitments.


Choosing between NHS and private physiotherapy ultimately depends on your individual circumstances, preferences, and priorities. While NHS physiotherapy provides essential services at little or no cost, private physiotherapy offers benefits such as personalised care, faster access, and greater convenience. By weighing these key differences, you can make an informed decision that best suits your health and lifestyle needs. Whatever you choose, remember that timely intervention is critical to achieving the best outcomes for your health and well-being.

How Do I Know If My Physio Is Good? A Guide to Choosing the Right Physiotherapist in Northamptonshire

When seeking physiotherapy, it’s essential to know you’re in the hands of a skilled, qualified professional who can meet your specific needs. But how do you know if your physiotherapist is the right fit for you? Here’s what to look for to ensure you’re getting the best care possible.

1. Credentials and Qualifications

Your physiotherapist should be professionally certified and registered with key governing bodies like the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). This ensures they meet the standards required to provide safe and effective care. Moreover, staying updated with continuing professional development guarantees that they are using the latest evidence-based practices.

Key takeaway: Always verify that your physio is registered with the HCPC and CSP for credibility and professional assurance.

2. Experience in Treating Specific Conditions

Physiotherapy covers a broad range of conditions, so it’s essential that your physiotherapist has experience in treating your specific issue. For instance, if you’re recovering from a sports injury, your physio should have a track record of working with athletes. An experienced physiotherapist will also be able to share success stories of patients with similar conditions, giving you confidence in their ability to help.

Key takeaway: Seek a physio with a proven history of success in treating your particular problem.

3. Personalised and Comprehensive Assessment

A good physio doesn’t just focus on symptoms. They dig deeper, assessing your lifestyle, physical limitations, and goals. During your first session, they should ask questions like:

This approach ensures that the treatment plan is tailored specifically to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Key takeaway: A thorough, personalised assessment is crucial for creating a bespoke treatment plan that works for you.

4. Clear Communication and Progress Tracking

Transparency is key in any treatment process. Your physiotherapist should clearly explain your diagnosis, treatment steps, and expected outcomes. They should also check in on your progress regularly, adjusting your plan if necessary. Realistic recovery goals, such as how many sessions you might need, should also be outlined from the start.

Key takeaway: Your physio should communicate effectively and track your progress to ensure ongoing improvements.

5. Patient-Centered Care

Empathy and a patient-centered approach make a significant difference. Your physiotherapist should listen carefully to your concerns and involve you in every decision about your care. They should also provide exercises and advice to complement your in-clinic treatments, helping you accelerate your recovery at home.

Key takeaway: Choose a physiotherapist who listens to you and provides ongoing support.

6. Results and Testimonials

One of the best ways to evaluate a physiotherapist is through patient reviews and testimonials. Whether online reviews or recommendations from friends and family, positive feedback is a good indicator of effective care. Look for stories from patients with similar conditions to yours, as this can give insight into the likely outcomes.

Key takeaway: Positive testimonials and success stories can help you gauge a physiotherapist’s effectiveness.

7. Long-Term Prevention Strategies

A great physiotherapist focuses not only on treating your current condition but also on preventing future issues. They should provide guidance on exercises, posture, and lifestyle changes that can help you avoid recurring problems, allowing you to stay healthy long after your treatment ends.

Key takeaway: Your physio should offer advice and strategies for long-term health and injury prevention.

Conclusion: Finding a good physiotherapist is about more than just qualifications. Look for someone who provides personalized care, clear communication, and a patient-centered approach. At Move4 Physio, our team is committed to delivering high-quality, tailored physiotherapy that goes beyond just addressing symptoms. With our extensive experience, patient-focused assessments, and dedication to long-term recovery, we’re here to help you reach your goals.

For expert physiotherapy in Northamptonshire, trust Move4 Physio to guide you back to health. Reach out to us today to start your journey!


At Move4 Physio, we’re committed to helping you move better, feel better, and perform better. That’s why we’re excited to offer a new service that can help you achieve all of these goals: Gait Analysis.

What is Gait Analysis?

Gait Analysis is a comprehensive assessment of your walking and running patterns. By analyzing the way you move, we can identify any underlying issues or imbalances that may be contributing to pain, discomfort, or decreased performance.

During a Gait Analysis, our experienced physiotherapists will observe your movement patterns and analyze various aspects of your gait, including your foot strike, knee position, hip alignment, and trunk stability. We may also use specialized equipment, such as pressure plates or video analysis, to gain further insights into your movement patterns.

Benefits of Gait Analysis

There are many benefits of Gait Analysis for athletes, runners, and anyone looking to improve their movement patterns. Here are just a few:

Reduce the risk of injury

By identifying any imbalances or weaknesses in your gait, we can create a targeted exercise program to address these issues and reduce the risk of injury. The last thing anyone needs is a poorly timed niggle or injury which impacts on a training plan, or interrupts your daily routine.

Improve performance

A more efficient and balanced gait can help you move faster, run longer, and perform better. By identifying areas of your gait that need improvement, we can create a customised program to help you optimise your movement patterns and achieve your performance goals.

Alleviate pain and discomfort

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort when you walk or run, Gait Analysis can help identify the underlying cause of your symptoms. By addressing these issues, we can help alleviate your pain and improve your overall quality of life. This is obviously best used in conjunction with a thorough physiotherapy assessment. The combination of both can help to kick injury down the road, making sure it doesn’t impact your training plan.

Individualised treatment

At Move4 Physio, we believe that every body is unique. That’s why we take a personalized approach to Gait Analysis. We’ll work with you to understand your specific goals and challenges, and create a customized treatment plan that’s tailored to your individual needs.

Who can benefit from Gait Analysis?

Anyone can benefit from gait analysis as it has relevance even in the absence of injury. If you have recently taken up running, or you’re a seasoned campaigner, it’s never to late to make small changes which can have a profound impact on your experience and enjoyment of running

At Move4 Physio, we’re passionate about helping our clients achieve their goals and live their best lives. If you’re interested in Gait Analysis or any of our other services, please contact us today to schedule an appointment. We’re here to help you move better, feel better, and perform better.


Hello, everyone! It’s the team at Move4 Physio here to challenge some misconceptions about physiotherapy that may be hindering your recovery and well-being. As a patient-centered physio clinic that values education, empowerment, and innovation, we believe in dispelling myths and promoting evidence-based practice. So, let’s get to it!

Myth #1: Physiotherapy is painful and uncomfortable.

While physiotherapy may involve some discomfort or soreness as you challenge your body’s limits and adapt to new movements, it should not be excessively painful.

A good physio will work with you to set realistic goals, explain the rationale behind the treatment, and modify the intensity and duration of the exercises to suit your tolerance and progress. They will also encourage you to communicate your feedback and concerns, and adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

Sometimes physiotherapy treatment can be uncomfortable, whether that’s soft tissue treatment in the guise of sports massage, or mobilisation of stiff and painful joints, be assured that the treatments we have at our disposal are not always painful.

Myth #2: Physiotherapy is a passive treatment that relies on machines and gadgets.

While physiotherapy may use some equipment and tools to aid in assessment and treatment, it is primarily a hands-on and patient-centered approach that emphasises active participation and education. Physiotherapists are trained to listen to your story, assess your movement patterns, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and tailor the treatment plan to your specific needs and goals. They will also teach you exercises, stretches, and self-care strategies that you can do at home or work to complement the therapy and promote long-term results.

At Move4 you won’t see many gadgets or gizmo’s, we believe in strength, empowerment and our patients leading the way and taking control of their rehab journey with us by their side.

One thing we assure you is that when you come to us at Move4, you will absolutely not be asked to lie down while we attach you to a machine.

Myth #3: Physiotherapy is only for old people or people with chronic conditions.

While physiotherapy can certainly benefit older adults and people with chronic diseases, it is not limited to them. Physiotherapy can help people of all ages and backgrounds to recover from injuries, surgeries, and sports-related issues, as well as to prevent or manage common musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain.

Physiotherapy can also enhance your athletic performance, improve your posture, and boost your mental health and well-being.

You don’t even have to be injured to benefit from our services, what we offer is about making you more robust and provide longevity into your golden years.

Myth #4: Physiotherapy is expensive and time-consuming.

While physiotherapy may require some investment of time and money, it can be a worthwhile and cost-effective investment in your health and quality of life. Physiotherapy can help you avoid costly and risky procedures such as surgeries, injections, or medications, and reduce your reliance on healthcare services.

To add some context, a physio appointment will cost you as much as a 2-course dinner for 2 at your local restaurant (without drinks). Now think about the impact your physical health has on your life, and weigh up these two options – the expense pails in comparison.

Myth #5: Physiotherapy is a one-size-fits-all approach.

While physiotherapy may follow some general principles and techniques, it is not a cookie-cutter or standardised approach. Physiotherapists understand that each patient is unique and requires a personalised and dynamic treatment plan that reflects their goals, preferences, and lifestyle. Physiotherapists also keep up-to-date with the latest research and trends in the field, and integrate them into their practice to offer you the best possible care.

We hope this blog post has clarified some of the common myths about physiotherapy and encouraged you to seek the help you need from a trusted and qualified physiotherapist.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at Move4 Physio. We are here to help you move better, feel better, and live better!


It’s around this time of the year we start to see lots of patients coming through the clinic with knee pain attributed to running. We thought on this basis, lets focus our attention on the commonly described term ‘Runners Knee’.

Runner’s knee is a common condition that affects many runners and athletes. It’s characterised by pain and discomfort around the knee joint, which can make it difficult to continue with your training plan. The pain in the knee is mainly around the front of the knee, in an area known as the patellofemoral joint. There are many suggested reasons for runners knee but at present we have no consensus based on good quality evidence to confirm the causes.

Suggested causes of runner’s knee:

Runner’s knee can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  1. Overuse: Repetitive movements, such as running or jumping, can put a strain on the knee joint and lead to runner’s knee. This means that training plan errors such as steep increases in load or insufficient recovery can put you at risk of runners knee
  2. Weakness: Weak muscles around the knee joint, particularly the quadriceps and hips can lead to imbalances and increase the risk of runner’s knee.
  3. Biomechanics: Running form or other biomechanical issues can put excessive stress on the knee joint. Over time this can begin to cause issues, which highlights the need for services such as gait analysis (see our previous blog 👍🏻)

Treatments for Runner’s Knee

The good news is that runner’s knee is a treatable condition. Here are some treatments that can help you recover:

  1. Rest: Rest is an important part of recovering from runner’s knee. It’s important to look at your training load and make tweaks to allow adequate rest and recovery. These breaks may be longer than normal once you are getting into a pain/inflammatory cycle. Make sure you consult with a physio to make sure you’re getting the balance right.
  2. Ice: Applying ice to the affected area can help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  3. Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening exercises for the quadriceps and hips can help to improve muscle imbalances and ensure the issue doesn’t reoccur.
  4. Biomechanical Assessment: A physiotherapist can assess your running form and identify any biomechanical issues that may be contributing to your runner’s knee.
  5. Taping or Bracing: Taping or bracing the knee can provide additional support and help to reduce pain.

At Move4 Physio Northampton, our experienced physiotherapists can help you recover from runner’s knee. We offer a range of services, including physiotherapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture, to help you manage your pain and get back to doing what you love.

Don’t let it hold you back but don’t ignore it, contact us at Move4 to schedule a consultation and start your journey to recovery today.


Do you spend most of your day sitting at a desk or working on a computer? If so, you’re not alone. Many people work in office jobs that require long periods of sitting and repetitive motions, which can lead to a range of injuries and pains.

That’s where ergonomics comes in. Ergonomics is the science of designing and arranging workplaces and equipment to fit the individual needs of workers. Proper ergonomics can help to prevent workplace injuries and pains by reducing the strain on the body and promoting proper posture.

Here are some tips for improving ergonomics in the workplace:

  1. Adjust Your Chair: Make sure your chair is at the right height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are at a 90-degree angle. The backrest should support the natural curve of your spine. This is obviously just an ideal, and a recommendation, in reality we’d like to see a variety of sitting postures which encourage your body to explore variety throughout the day.
  2. Position Your Keyboard and Mouse: Position your keyboard and mouse so that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and your wrists are straight. Make sure the screen is in front of you and you aren’t having to rotate constantly just to look at your monitor. Also make sure it is the right height, this is simply a height which means you aren’t looking down or up.
  3. Take Breaks: Take frequent breaks to stretch and move around. Sitting for long periods of time can put a lot of strain on your body, so it’s important to take breaks and move around to prevent pain and injury.
  4. Use a Standing Desk: Consider using a standing desk or a sit-stand desk to switch between sitting and standing throughout the day.
  5. Use Proper Lighting: Make sure your workspace is well-lit to reduce eye strain and prevent headaches.

At Move4 Physio Northampton, we believe that proper ergonomics is essential for preventing workplace injuries and pains. Our experienced physiotherapists can work with you to assess your workplace and develop a personalized plan to improve your ergonomics and reduce your risk of injury. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Move4 Physio Northampton to schedule a consultation and start improving your ergonomics today.


If you’re facing surgery, you might be focused on the recovery process after the procedure. But have you considered the benefits of prehabilitation? Prehabilitation is the process of preparing your body for surgery through targeted exercises and conditioning. At Move4 Physio Northampton, we believe that prehabilitation can help you have a smoother, faster recovery and improve your outcomes after surgery.

This is even more important given the current landscape of increasing waiting times and delays on surgical dates. By focussing on prehabilitation, you are playing an active role in the outcome you get following surgery.

‘Prehab’ doesn’t only come into play whilst waiting for surgery, it is just as relevant in order to reduce the risk of injury. We at Move4 physio use this with our many sportsmen and women, none more so than with our work at Northampton Saints Rugby.

One of our biggest focuses with these athletes is to prevent injury and improve performance. By improving stability, mobility, strength and dynamic ability we are kicking the ionjury risk further down the road and allowing the players to remains at their best for longer.

Lets use surgery to highlight the benefits…

Here are some of the key benefits of prehabilitation:

  1. Improved Strength and Mobility: Prehabilitation can help you build strength and improve your mobility before surgery. This can be particularly helpful if you’re facing a period of bedrest or limited activity after your procedure. By strengthening your muscles beforehand, you can reduce your risk of post-surgery complications and improve your overall recovery.
  2. Reduced Pain and Swelling: Surgery can be traumatic to your body, and it’s common to experience pain and swelling after the procedure. Prehabilitation can help reduce your pain and swelling by preparing your body for the stress of surgery. By strengthening your muscles and increasing your mobility, you can minimize the strain on your body and promote healing.
  3. Faster Recovery: By building strength and improving your mobility before surgery, you can often recover faster after the procedure. This can help you return to your normal activities more quickly and reduce your overall downtime.
  4. Better Outcomes: Studies have shown that prehabilitation can improve outcomes after surgery. By preparing your body for the procedure, you may be less likely to experience complications or require additional medical interventions.

At Move4 Physio Northampton, we offer customized prehabilitation programs to help our patients prepare for surgery. Our experienced physiotherapists can assess your needs and design a program tailored to your specific goals and abilities.

If you’re facing surgery and want to improve your outcomes, consider prehabilitation. Contact Move4 Physio Northampton to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you prepare for your procedure.


As we’ve said in previous posts, if your glutes aren’t ON, then you wouldn’t be stood upright, so lets ditch this idea before we get started

Now for the actual content of the blog…

So you have one way or another realised that although your glutes are ‘ON’, they could do with being stronger. Whether this is to help support your lower back, your hip and knee, or perhaps it’s for performance benefits, either way now you need to find a few weapons (exercises) to build those glutes of steel.

This is where we come in (well not quite us as we didn’t do the research, but hey, we’re telling you about it).

This study titled ‘Gluteal Muscle Forces during Hip-Focused Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Exercises’ produced by Collings et al (2023) gives us a great insight into many different exercises that are commonly prescribed to develop gluteal strength. It uses Electromyography (EMG) data to show how much stimulation each exercise gives to the glutes, the higher the EMG reading, the more targeted the exercise is at building strength in said muscle group.

The authors summarise their findings with the following paragraph

‘Gluteal muscle forces were exercise specific, and peak muscle forces increased by varying amounts when adding a 12RM external resistance. These findings may inform exercise selection by facilitating the targeting of individual gluteal muscles and optimization of mechanical loads to match performance, injury prevention, or rehabilitation training goals.’

So, from highest to lowest in this study (this isn’t to say the lowest doesn’t have validity, as it may still stimulate the glutes well and offer other benefits as well) we have:

  1. Loaded split squat
  2. Loaded single leg Romanian dead lift (RDL)
  3. Loaded single leg hip thrust
  4. Loaded single leg squat
  5. Single leg hip thrust
  6. Split squat
  7. Single leg Romanian dead lift
  8. Single leg squat

As you can see, 5-8 are essentially the same exercises as 1-4 but without additional load. We then move into some exercises you may have been prescribed in the past such as:

Side plank

Banded side step (crab walk)

Hip hike

Side lying leg raise

These exercises, although offering targeted strength for your glutes, are a long way off the EMG levels shown with the exercises 1-8. This shows that in order to strengthen your glutes properly, it is loaded, traditional strength exercises which involve multiple joints that offer the best bang for your buck.

This isn’t to say that the lower threshold exercises don’t have their place, they absolutely do in the right scenario’s. However, if you’re a gym goer and don’t shy away from leg day, exercises like the split squat, RDL, single leg squat and hip thrust should be in your program to ensure strong, robust hips, ready for anything.

Thanks for reading guys!


Ever thought about running a marathon?

Pondered it for months but then thought better of it so not to make your existing ailments worse?

This is common thought process of would be marathoners, and majority fall into the last category where they consider it but then decide that in the best interests of their body, they should opt not to.

Well this recent study carried out by Horga et al (2022) investigated one issue which many believe will worsen if they train for a marathon. Lets be honest, it’s not necessarily the one off event of the marathon that poses the biggest challenge, it’s the consistent dedication and relentless training mileage that one has to endure in order to reach the start line with any degree of confidence. And it’s the cumulative effect of the incremental mileage which many believe has a negative effect on the body.

The authors of this study looked at the lumbar spine, and the impact a marathon training programme had on the structures within it. The findings were positive to say the least!!

Many would assume that training for and running a marathon would cause damage to the various structures, and potentially accelerate any degeneration you potentially already have in the area….this piece of research found otherwise.

The authors tracked 28 asymptomatic runners taking on the London marathon for the first time. To do this they carried out an MRI of their spine at the start of their training plan 16 weeks before the marathon, and then another MRI 2 weeks after the marathon. They then compared the changes they saw on MRI between the two timepoints, giving us a good snapshot of the effect the training plan and running mileage had on the spine.

In short, the study found that running 500 miles over 4 months plus a marathon for the first time had no adverse effects on the lumbar spine, even when early degenerative changes were present.

Additionally, there was evidence of regression of sacroiliac joint abnormalities* so in fact the running plan actually had a positive impact.

If you’d like to view this study then click here

So, in terms of take home messages –

  1. Don’t limit yourself based on theories you have picked up along your journey without critiquing it’s validity
  2. Quite often with many issues, doing something is better than doing nothing, fair enough, running a marathon may be an extreme analogy to support this, however, if we apply the findings of this study to perceived less traumatic/damaging activities then surely we feel more able to get out and get moving.

As always thanks for reading guys!


Have you recently had a diagnosis of KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS (OA)?

Now, I bet your mind is running away with you thinking what things should I STOP doing. How many of you are thinking about the things you should START? Or even the things that you currently do that you should definitely KEEP!

Well this study by Voinier and White (2022) provided us with an overview analysis of many studies that investigate the impact of daily activities such as walking, running and other recreational sports upon the progression of OA.

At Move4 we hear so many patients coming in with preconceived ideas of injury and the bodies reaction to the ageing process. The majority of people we speak to believe that the only way to reduce the speed of degeneration and reduce the impact of ageing caused by issues such as OA is to take things out of the equation, and limit their exposure.

Before doing this…..STOP

This authors conclude with the following statement –

‘We summarized the findings of 20 reviews and an additional 12 original studies. We found consistent evidence that common forms of PA (walking, running, and certain recreational sports) are not related to structural progression of knee OA, and can be safely recommended to patients with, or at risk, for knee OA.’

If you’d like to read the study in more detail then click here

Now what are the take home messages from this study, and this blog post

  1. Walking, running and other widely accessible physical activities are NOT associated with an increased risk of OA, and should be an integral part of your approach to dealing with the issue.
  2. A diagnosis of OA should be non limiting and initial consideration should be given to the things you can do, and NOT the things you should stop doing

Thanks for reading guys!